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The Principal's Welcome

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I am passionate about education and my dream is that President High School will continue to provide quality education so that the knowledge and skills with which we equip our learners, will give them the confidence to reach their full potential, to achieve their dreams and to be successful, no matter the odds against them.


Alhoewel sukses nie vir elkeen presies dieselfde betekenis het nie, glo ek vas dat sukses nie afhang van waar jy vandaan kom nie, maar van waarheen jy oppad is.


I also belief that kindness, respect, hard work and integrity will result in success.


Ons skool is suksesvol op vele gebiede en ons is ‘n skool met mooi tradisies waarop ons graag wil voortbou. Ons koester die lojaliteit van oud-leerders, huidige leerders, personeel, ouers en vriende van die skool. Terselfdertyd skep ons die geleentheid vir nuwe tradisies en poog ons om in ‘n voortdurend-veranderende wêreld vir leerders ‘n veilige hawe te skep waar hulle gelukkig kan wees.


The school environment can only be safe and conductive to learning when all stakeholders realize their responsibility and when structure, rules and discipline are valued.

Here at President High School we strive for excellence. As Africa’s First Woman President, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, once said, “If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough.”

EI. Joubert


Upcoming events



School Terms 2024


(15) 17 January - 20 March

03 April - 14 June

09 July - 20 September

01 October - 11 (13) December

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